Julia KuczyΕ„ska β”‚ UX designer

Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ
I'm Julia, an end-to-end product designer.

I merge artistic and engineering mindsets, pursue complex concepts, always looking for the right questions. My focus lies in simplicity, flawless execution, and getting things done.

Selected projects


Building a strong foundation: Houzy platform structure

Information ArchitectureWeb appB2C

How to structure a multifaceted and multi intersecting platform and respond to the needs of both users and business?


Enhancing efficient connections between craftsmen and customers

SaaSWeb + Native appsB2B

A new app optimizing communication between craftsmen and customers, saving up to 30% of their time per quote.


Real estate analytics for homeowners, buyers & sellers

Data visualisationWeb app

I designed most of the Houzy analysis tools.
Property analysis tools are the core of Houzy platform.


Switzerland's smart property search

Product managmentEnd-to-end design

Why creating another version of something which has already been created many times is not trivial at all?


I write about design, exploring the history of human-computer interaction and the roots that shape aesthetics and functionality.

πŸ™ƒ Questioning status quo. Lessons from Alan Kay. about the perspective-taking approach (not only) in design (2023)
πŸ–ΌοΈ To draw or not to draw: is traditional sketching still relevant in the digital design era? about how drawing trains our creativity (2023)
πŸ‘€ A video every interaction designer should watch. about Douglas Engelbart and Mother of All Demos (2023)
😷 Why does UX matter? And why it has an impact on our lives, literally. about Covid vaccination registration system in Zurich (2021)
🧻 Why your product should not make everyone happy. about prioritising in product design and what it has to do with public toilets (2021)
🏺 What cuneiform has to do with modern icons and why is it milestone in visual communication? about the origins of pictograms (2021)
πŸ’Ύ Where did it come from? Non-computer Daily UI. about the roots of 100 most popular UI elements (2020)

more of my writing  β†—